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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - A dynamic eCommerce platform specializing in Urban Apparel, W.O.E Apparel caters to a devoted audience with its unique fusion of fashion and activism. Embracing the ethos of β€œWhere fashion meets activism,” the brand offers a curated selection of edgy and ultra-stylish clothing that resonates with its discerning clientele.



Limited Visibility Despite Website Launch

Upon the launch of the website, faced a significant challenge in garnering visibility and engagement. With minimal brand recognition and daily traffic, the platform struggled to attract prospective clients effectively. While users occasionally visited the website through social media calls-to-action (CTAs), the lack of compelling incentives hindered online purchase conversions.


Engagement-Driven Pop-Ups:

Implemented pop-ups triggered on initial page load, offering an exclusive purchase discount for users subscribing to the email list. This tactic effectively incentivized user engagement and encouraged email list sign-ups, fostering a direct channel for targeted marketing efforts.

Email List Building Workflow:

Collected emails through pop-up dialog boxes and integrated them into a dedicated group in the Shopify contact list. Developed an automated email workflow to nurture prospective customers, providing personalized content and promotions to drive conversion and retention.

Abandoned Cart Recovery:

Integrated abandoned shopping cart listeners on the website's shopping cart page, initiating a tailored workflow to remind users of their pending purchases. This proactive approach to cart recovery helped recapture lost sales and improve overall conversion rates.

Customer Rewards Program:

Developed a comprehensive customer rewards system incentivizing user engagement with rewards for website visits, social shares, and product purchases. Users earn points redeemable for discounts on future purchases, fostering loyalty and repeat business.


Enhanced Engagement and Conversion Rates Propel Success

The strategic implementation of engagement-focused initiatives resulted in a remarkable transformation for W.O.E Apparel. By leveraging targeted pop-ups, email marketing workflows, abandoned cart recovery systems, and a customer rewards program, the brand experienced a substantial surge in user engagement and conversion rates. Increased email list subscriptions, reduced cart abandonment rates, and higher customer retention rates all contributed to a significant boost in overall sales and revenue.


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